Blog Masonry

Black History Highlight: STEM

18 June 2024

Throughout history, Black Canadians have made significant and lasting contributions to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Their achievements, often overlooked, have paved the way for future generations of innovators and researchers. This article highlights the remarkable stories of three such individuals: Elijah McCoy, an ingenious inventor whose name became synonymous with […]

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Mental Health in the Digital Age

14 June 2024

In the digital age, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, mental health challenges have become increasingly prevalent. The constant presence of social media, the pressure to stay connected, and the overwhelming influx of information can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression. However, while technology contributes to these issues, it also offers innovative coping strategies […]

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Black Canadian Women That Changed History

13 June 2024

One prominent figure in Black Canadian history is the honorable Jean Augustine, who was the first Black Canadian woman to be elected to Canada’s House of Commons. In Parliament, she championed the rights of women, people of color, and low-income Canadians and fought to protect their rights. Her dedication to social justice earned her a […]

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The Importance of Diversity in Education

12 June 2024

Many schools all over Canada have culturally diverse student populations. It is important that educators acknowledge and celebrate this diversity, as it can be very beneficial for both students and teachers, fostering a rich environment and preparing students to work with others in the real world, which is extremely diverse. Students come from many diverse […]

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The Role of Social Media in Modern Activism

11 June 2024

With the rise of social media in recent years, the rate at which ideas, relationships and information are shared is rapidly increasing. This has led to an immense change in access to communication and information on both national and global levels. The swift dissemination of information has influenced numerous aspects of our lives, and in […]

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The Importance of Diversity in Media

10 June 2024

Representation in media can be defined as the depiction of societal aspects such as race, gender, age, and social issues. Representation is essential in media as it broadens our perception of society and multiculturalism and it is important for members of diverse groups to see themselves in people of high fame and status. While a […]

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